What Olympic lifting is giving me

The obvious is rekindled passion and enjoyment about working out. It's been so long since I've felt like I'm lifting for FUN. It's been methodical work, albeit enjoyable most of the time, for years. But this harkens back to what the running guru (what was his name?) wrote in his book - that life is running, and everything in between is thinking of past runs or looking forward to the next. Well, come on, the Mighty Kat is nothing if not diversified, but it's the principle of the thing. It's something I look forward to and totally enjoy.

Time. This is not demanding on my time like traditional lifting has been all these years. I get in and out with multijoint, full body work outs with plenty of time in my week left to spare.

Results. Holy shit, I'm looking good. Hypertrophy. BBing is cosmetic, and the great fear in varying traditional specific training is that some cosmetic benefit will be lost, but this is not the case. Of course, I'm careful to keep specific work in where I see necessary (the subject of another entry), but still.

O lifting is benefitting me in aesthetic appearance, strength, power, cardio, coordination, balance, improved symmertry and unified muscular development, overall health and well-being, and general peace of mind and satisfaction with my lifestyle.

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