Top 10 grrlish advantages

Top Ten advantages to being a grrl who lifts rather than a guy

10. Guys tend to be more considerate of me in the gym. They wipe down equipment, invite me to work in, and are happy to spot me.

9. People are more easily impressed by my lifting achievements. Heck, they're impressed that I'm lifting at all.

8. There's less competition.

7. The locker rooms are better.

6. Fewer people understand me. :-)

5. Since people expect less of me, it's easier to slack (hey, I'm being truthful here).

4. I laugh with the regulars when a newbie says, "Hey babe, it's all yours."

3. Food and supplements are cheaper; I don't take as much.

2. My home gym set-up is cheaper; I don't need as much weight.

1. And the number one advantage to being a grrl who lifts:
I'm always going to look better than a guy.

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