Save the Internet

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Life as we know it on the Internet is under siege. Educate yourself about this, act, pay attention.

"Net neutrality" is how the First Amendment applies to the Internet - allowing Web users to go where they want and do what they please online. This democratic standard is why the Internet has become a revolutionary force for economic innovation and new ideas. If the corporations win, it'll be like the radio - the independent and smaller stations basically get no airspace, so all you hear are the corporate giants' stations. My site, your site, blogs...forget it; they'll take so long to download, no one will bother.

Large cable and telephone companies are planning to do away with Net Neutrality. They´re asking Congress to pass legislation that allows them to control which Web sites get priority over everything else and which ones are left behind.

Don't be confused by the corporate pundits - they're using exactly the same arguments. The term that matters is NET NEUTRALITY. We the public have paid for the Internet's creation and operation. After more than 20 years of our investment, corporations want to claim ownership of the Internet.

The House supported quashing net neutrality. Now it goes to the Senate.

Here's an excellent report on the issue by NOW at PBS

1 comment:

Bobby said...

That is a scary proposition. It's hard to foretell how this will play out.

So what would happen, I wonder. You strip your blog all the way down to text only - a white page with little black letters - and pay $99.99 per month for it? Or would Blogger and My Space and Type Pad and so on just go out of business?

I swear: If they make blogging impossible, I am going to become the biggest graffiti spraying maniac you can imagine. My favorite targets will be the telecom companies.

Next they’ll be telling you when you can and can’t speak in public.