tuna roll-ups

These are very easy and quick to make, they taste great, present and travel well. Nutritionally, they're fabulous - tuna, whole wheat, veggie - minimal ingredients, low fat, with protein and quality complex carbs.

Morphed from Bea Cumming's recipe

2 cups whole wheat flour
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt

1/3 cup of olive oil
2/3 cup of liquid (water, soymilk, whatever)

Pour liquid into flour mix and stir.

Wet the countertop and put down a piece of wax paper. Put the dough on it and put another piece of wax paper over it.

Roll it out very thin and rectangular.

In blender, lightly combine
either one 12-oz. can, or two small cans of dolphin-safe tuna, drained
2 eggs
1 cup or 1/2 can of filler veggie - spinach, French-cut green beans, celery, whatever - drained
dash of salt
Drain well!

Spread paste evenly over dough.
Cut into strips about 2" wide and 4" long (vary to preference). These will expand a lot!
Roll up each like a jellyroll.

Place on greased baking sheet.
Bake at 375 for 10 - 15 minutes (12 usually works in my oven, and mind you my oven may run 25 degrees hot, so you may need 400 - 450, as original recipe calls for).

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