studio in mid-morning lite

trying to capture the magic lite chalk dish photo. this is indicative of what i'm going for, but not quite it. not sure what to try here. anybody like these?


Steve Caddy said...

I quite like the first one, especially that stumpy little table; the light is good.

The third one is a bit over exposed and the red rope on the left is a distraction, but I like the direction.

Are you on Flickr?

The Mighty Kat said...

Hi Steve, Thanks for chiming in. Nah, I have gallleries on my site at, and post new stuff here as it goes...any advantages to Flickr?

Steve Caddy said...

Mostly just the ease of organisation, the ability to restrict images to friends or family, and the addictiveness of the groups / tagging / comments & feedback.

I'm here: