Juli Crockett - a real Maggie Fitzgerald

I'm reading the phenomenally good book Million Dollar Baby, the book formerly known as Rope Burns, by F.X. Toole, the writer actually named Jerry Boyd.

His short story Million Dollar Baby has apparently a psychic connection with former boxer Juli Crockett. Although Jerry met her after he'd written it, he was convinced she was the incarnation of his character Maggie Fitzgerald, and she considers Maggie a simplified version of herself.

I've run across an article on Crockett that ran in Nation and World shortly after the movie came out. There are many things to take away from learning about Juli - she seems like an amazing person and a kindred spirit. For the moment, I want to point out these eloquent insights she shared about boxing.

Was Fitzgerald the real thing?

Not really. She never got tired or sore. She never had to struggle to "make weight" --one of the greatest problems for boxers. In the story you tell yourself about being a boxer, you're tough and strong. But in doing it, you're tired, you're scared, it hurts, you're lonely and deprived.

What it is about boxing that drives fighters?

There's this great simplicity. Once you get into the ring, there's only one thing to worry about and that's the other person. Boxing is so powerful that way. It's like a drug. There are few moments in life when you get to have that experience of complete victory.

Related links

Jerry Boyd, F.X. Toole
Million Dollar Backlash
Fisticuff Lit for bruisers and non-dainty ladies

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