New Film: Self-Medicated

Monty Lapica is winning major award after major award for his debut film Self-Medicated. This could become the flagship film of the troubled-teen industry, a Coolhand Luke for children of the '90s. After his father died, his mother hired a company to abduct him and place him in a lockdown psychiatric treatment center for troubled youth. The staff was corrupt, the ordeal horrible - but he orchestrated an escape. That's all I know, all from the many raving reviews on the film, which is currently touring this country and abroad, attracting awards like a magnet. If you're in a major city, check the site - you may get to see it before the rest of us waiting for the DVD to be released. The website for the film is powerful and enigmatic in itself, and probably gives you a real good idea of what you're in for. I can't wait to see it.


Anonymous said...

Wow, this looks like a great movie. Do you know where I can see it or buy the DVD? Is it playing in NorCal?

The Mighty Kat said...

Hi there. Please go to the website for details. I'm also eager for the DVD release. Thanks for stopping by.