Spotting stories

I thought it would be fun to share some of my most memorable spotting stories.

What did you say?
Be careful when you ask a deaf person to spot you. Once while bench pressing, I had a deaf guy spot me, and he was all there for the first few reps, then I closed my eyes and went into hyperdrive and ... started ... to ... lose it...and opened my eyes to find him looking off somewhere else; and I started to laugh as I realized there was just no possible way to get his attention...

Balls up
So this guy is spotting me, once again, on a bench press, and he's really serious about it, and really there with me for every increment, and he's real close in, and then - I got balls to the forehead. Well, he was so shocked and humiliated that he shot off to the other side of the gym and I never saw him again. And yes, that means I had to finish the set myself...

Coffee breath
Oh, he was a terrific spotter, but he drank coffee before a lift, and it would almost knock me out during a bench press...

Worst spot ever
Guy volunteers his invaluable aid to lady sure-to-be-in-distress during her Smith Machine squat, and put his hands on my rigcage and rushed my slow ascent, taking the pace to be a signal I was flagging. Obviously, this clown was completely clueless...

Best spot ever
I was in an intense trance on the best pec dek machine I've ever used, and the reverie went deeper and deeper, every fiber electrified for the final squeezing, last, long, slow, amazing moments...Then I opened my eyes and realized a guy had been spotting me. WOW!

Here's an article I wrote on spotting and what makes a good spotter. It ran in one of Chelo's magazines, but they never got around to telling me which one, so alas, I have no clip (nor payment). These things happen. But you can enjoy it now, for free.

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