great fitness site: straight to the bar

This site is vast, fresh, and loaded with stuff for anyone into anything strength. Sections on bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman and media. Use it like a magazine to skim, or dig in for deeper info. The publisher is also into Podcasting in a big way, and runs a site about that (can't find the link at the moment).

from the site
"Straight to the Bar is the online home of fitness enthusiast Scott Bird (Australia). The name of the site comes from a love of weight training (leaning more toward Powerlifting than either Olympic Weightlifting or Bodybuilding) as well as a short-lived - though certainly passionate - obsession with alcohol. The two don't necessarily go together, and fortunately the weight training won out.

In addition to the site containing a regular training diary (just to help monitor improvements), it contains a great deal of information on the physical accomplishments of others. It also contains reviews of hundreds of articles, books, podcasts and videos - in fact anything which might just help you in your own fitness quest."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cheers for the mention Kat.