polycarbonate water bottles pulled

This AP story by Ben Dobbin explains (in the very end of the industry-defensive piece) by sellers are pulling the Nalgene polycarbonate bottles because of a chemical that mimics a hormone. Which one, doesn't say. Still looks like glass or a ceramic is probably the safest vessel, altho I'm still recycling plastic bottles myself...

from the article
...Critics point to an influx of animal studies linking low doses to a wide variety of ailments — from breast and prostate cancer, obesity and hyperactivity, to miscarriages and other reproductive failures.

An expert panel of 38 academic and government researchers who attended a National Institutes of Health-sponsored conference said in a study in August that "the potential for BPA to impact human health is a concern, and more research is clearly needed."

Fred vom Saal, a professor of biology at the University of Missouri and one of the study's chief authors said the panel reviewed 700 published articles on BPA, practically all published in the last 10 years. Yet U.S. health and environmental regulators "are pretending they're still in the dark," he said.

1 comment:

[]{}() said...

The chemical is BpA, bisphenol-A.

It's an estrogen mimic (agonist) and can fill estrogen receptors. There are potential health risks for developing fetuses and perhaps young children.

There's no established correlation between trace BpA consumption (or other exposure) and health risks in the general population. That doesn't mean there isn't some risk.

I error on the side of caution. Iron + Chromium in trace amounts are nutrients. There are some nice stainless steel water bottles from Kleen Kanteen and Thermos Nissan.